Tag: Seeing Differently

‘Seeing Differently’ by Simon Cocksedge TSSF, Nicholas Alan SSF and Samuel SSF now available

‘Seeing Differently’ by Simon Cocksedge TSSF, Nicholas Alan SSF and Samuel SSF now available

By admin in Latest News on March 2, 2021

This timely book brings together the stories of Saint Francis – his rejection of wealth, caring for lepers, befriending animals and living simply, his poetry and hymnody in praise of creation that is still sung today – and the influential writings and examples of inspiring Franciscans who have followed him, such as Clare, Bonaventure, Duns Scotus and Angela of Foligno, drawing them into conversation with contemporary concerns for our planet.

It gathers 800 years of accumulated wisdom and practical examples of how Franciscans have found ways to live at home and at peace with creation. It explores that long tradition and experience to ask what lessons can be drawn for today to challenge and enable readers to re-visit their own relationship with creation.

Publisher: Canterbury Press Norwich

ISBN: 9781786223005

Number of Pages: 192

Published: 30/01/2021

After Laudato Si, this is the best Franciscan reflection on the crisis of our planet that I have read, and I very much hope many others will read it, take it to heart and join the growing movement of those who are trying to listen, before it is too late, to the voice of our suffering Sister Mother Earth.

Sr Frances Teresa Downing osc

Learning to see differently is the beginning of a new social order, a new planetary community, where love of God, love of neighbor and love of all creatures creates a new house, a new church, built on the foundation of a new heart.    This wonderful new book is a helpful guide toward creating a new world.

Sr. Ilia Delio, OSF

Connelly Chair in Theology, Villanova University

Copies are available from the Hilfield Friary bookshop:

£16.99 plus £2 P&P (UK postage)
Please contact Suzi on 01300 341345 or hilfieldshop@franciscans.org.uk