Prayer & Praise The Heart of Our Life

Daily Prayer

Praise and prayer constitute the atmosphere in which the brothers and sisters must strive to live…” (Principles Day 14)

Prayer is the underpinning of all that we, as Franciscans, do. In addition to set times of silent prayer we join with the worldwide Church in the offering of the Daily Office (composed of Psalms, Bible readings and other liturgical writings). In most of our houses this means that we will meet four times every day (in the morning, in the middle of the day, in the evening and before we go to bed) to pray the Office together. When we pray the Office we are united with the Church throughout the ages in its outpouring of praise and worship to God and we allow God to draw ever more close to us (as is His wish).

“…That their union with this Lord and Master may be ever renewed and strengthened, the brothers and sisters unite in offering daily before God the memorial of his death and passion and feeding often upon his sacrificial life. The Holy Eucharist is the centre round which their life revolves. It is above all the heart of their prayer life. ..”

SSF Principles Day 15

The Holy Eucharist (known also as the Mass or Holy Communion) is the summit of our worship in which we fully encounter Jesus – full humanity and full Divinity – under the guise of bread and wine. St Francis had a great devotion to the Holy Eucharist and thus his Sisters and Brothers today follow his example by celebrating the Eucharist regularly (and ideally daily). Where a daily celebration of the Eucharist is not available the Brothers and Sisters often attach themselves to their Parish Church (or a Church nearby) where they may join with the people of God in their offering of this Sacrifice of prayer and praise.

Contemplation & Action

The life of contemplation shapes the way we see the world, each other and ourselves in the light of God’s loving gaze. This is the foundation of all that we do as Franciscans – our daily work together in community, our serving alongside others, and our witness to the good news of Jesus Christ. Prayer and action are integral to each other.

Pray for us as we pray for you

We are very grateful for the many people who pray for us. We invite you to pray in particular for more vocations to our life, so that our houses may be maintained as places of prayer, hospitality and outreach, and our ministries sustained and strengthened.

Click on this link for an up to date list of the brothers and sisters, and our current ministries and particular engagements:

Provincial Prayer Leaflet (May 2024)

If you would like us to offer prayers on your behalf, please get in touch using the form below.

In compliance with Data Protection law, your prayers will be offered but information will not be stored.

If you are concerned for your own immediate wellbeing, or the safety and wellbeing of others, here are links to organisations which can offer advice and support: