Sister Joyce celebrates 50 years
By admin in Faith and religious, Jesus, Latest News on January 20, 2023
14th January: Sister Joyce CSF celebrated the Golden Jubilee of her profession as a Franciscan Sister, at Southwark Cathedral. A service of thanksgiving with a Eucharist was held before a large number of guests, which was lead by the Very Revd Andrew Nunn, Dean of Southwark.
The Dean concelebrated at the Eucharist with Sr Beverly CSF, Minister Provincial for the Sisters and Br Sam SSF, who also gave the homily. Afterwards, all who attended enjoyed a celebratory lunch nearby given by the cathedral Wardens.
In the homily Br Sam reflected on what saying yes to God has meant for Joyce over the last 50 years as a Sister, and how it has been important to fall in love with God. He also spoke of a time of dedicated service to Christ, and all the groups that Joyce had been apart of, noting her time from 1974-1978 in San Francisco, her time at various houses across the UK, and her involvement with many community groups around London and the South.