Category: Latest News

Alnmouth Friary hosts Arts Festival event

Alnmouth Friary hosts Arts Festival event

By admin in Latest News on June 27, 2023

For the first time Alnmouth friary hosted part of the Alnmouth Arts Weekend (June 16-18). The arts festival started in 2005 and has grown to hosting 50 artists in different locations around Alnmouth village. This year Alnmouth friary hosted 17 artists, who sold their wares.

The brothers along with a small team of volunteers served tea, coffee and cake alongside running a book and plant stall. We offered hospitality and a listening ear as well. Over 1,000 passed through the friary over the weekend. 

A lot of local people had never been into the friary before so it was a great way to get to know the local community. People marvelled at Alnmouth friary gardens and the view from the library window. Guests kept on saying how peaceful the friary was and how they’d like to come back. Out of the weekend we’ve already seen fruit, some people have made retreat inquiries, and others have popped around for a chat. 

Afternoon Tea in the Alnmouth Friary Gardens Alnmouth Friary Library Alnmouth Friary with brothers Jason and Vincent Alnmouth Friary Alnmouth Friary Library

The Alnmouth Formation Conference and John Duns Scotus

The Alnmouth Formation Conference and John Duns Scotus

By admin in Latest News on February 22, 2023

The C-SSF On-going Formation Conference was held at Alnmouth Friary, 13-16 February. With the assistance of Billy Crozier, the group considered the writings of John Duns Scotus, a 14th century Franciscan theologian and philosopher, especially Scotus’s teaching on the reason for the incarnation of Christ, and the Immaculate conception of Mary.

Then the group made a ‘pilgrimage’ to Duns, the place of John’s birth (the name we know him as now is derived from how he would have been called: ‘John of Duns, the Scot’). The Rector of the Episcopal Church in Duns made us very welcome, and presided at a Eucharist, and after our picnic lunch (indoors) Kenny, a local historian, spoke about Duns through the ages, and educated the group a little on Scottish history, generally, in the process.

The group standing round the cairn in the top photo are: Maureen, Gina, Benedict, Micael Christoffer, Beverley, Judi, Finnian and Sue.

Afterwards, a short walk took the group to the cairn which marks the likely birth place of John Duns, and then down through the square to a park where there is a statue of him. We felt that the pose of the statue make the theologian look rather too superior, and Sr Beverley and Br Micael Christoffer mimicked it, in a fun way.




Sister Joyce celebrates 50 years

Sister Joyce celebrates 50 years

By admin in Faith and religious, Jesus, Latest News on January 20, 2023

14th January: Sister Joyce CSF celebrated the Golden Jubilee of her profession as a Franciscan Sister, at Southwark Cathedral. A service of thanksgiving with a Eucharist was held before a large number of guests, which was lead by the Very Revd Andrew Nunn, Dean of Southwark.
The Dean concelebrated at the Eucharist with Sr Beverly CSF, Minister Provincial for the Sisters and Br Sam SSF, who also gave the homily. Afterwards, all who attended enjoyed a celebratory lunch nearby given by the cathedral Wardens.
In the homily Br Sam reflected on what saying yes to God has meant for Joyce over the last 50 years as a Sister, and how it has been important to fall in love with God. He also spoke of a time of dedicated service to Christ, and all the groups that Joyce had been apart of, noting her time from 1974-1978 in San Francisco, her time at various houses across the UK, and her involvement with many community groups around London and the South.
Christmas greetings from Br Micael Christoffer SSF

Christmas greetings from Br Micael Christoffer SSF

By admin in Jesus, Latest News, thoughts on December 24, 2022

We live in challenging times where it is cold and dark for many people in the world. We hear about war, murder, despair, and other forms of evil not far from us. In the midst of all this, we celebrate that God chose to come into the world to spread light.

Jesus challenges us that it is through his weakness rather than through power and strength that he will reign supreme. He makes himself dependent on his parents and shows us that we need to be reliant on each other in order to survive.

For most people at Christmas, we are reminded of the loved ones around us. However, we must also remember to care for those left out in the cold and dark because they do not have warmth and light to share with others.

Therefore, let us spread the good news of the contradictory newborn King and to bring His light to all people in the bleak areas of this planet.

May you all have a Blessed Christmas!

Peace and all good!

Brother Micael Christoffer SSF

Image Credit: A Church Near You.

Brother Michael Jacob makes his Life Profession

By admin in Latest News on November 7, 2022

This weekend Brother Michael Jacob made his Profession of Life Vows. He writes:

“On Saturday 5th November I made my Life Profession at Alnmouth Friary. Bishop Christopher Chessun, Bishop of Southwark and our Bishop Protector received my Life Profession on behalf of the church. Fr Harri Williams SSC preached a powerful and challenging homily.

“After the ceremony, a delicious lunch of biryani – and a stew, for those who like less spicy food – was expertly prepared by Br Vincent Paul and his team of excellent helpers. It was a very happy time of worship and fellowship. To God be the Glory.”


By admin in Latest News on October 7, 2022

A service of Thanksgiving for the Community of St Francis’ time in the Diocese of Lincoln, was held in St Peter’s Church, Dunston, on 1st October. In place of a sermon, there was a ‘sharing of memories’ by Sr Maureen, and by several people from Dunston and Metheringham. It was good to remember the contributions from Sisters Liz, Judith Ann and Catherine Iona, as well as Maureen who continues to be resident in the Metheringham house (San Damiano). Sisters from Southwark and Leicester were also able to attend the service, which was followed by ‘tea and cake’ at San Damiano. About 30 people were at the church, and a slightly different 30 people had tea and cake, and it was a good afternoon of reminiscing and catching up. Unfortunately, a glitch in the selling process to do with another house in the selling chain, combined with the current uncertainties around taking out a mortgage, mean that the sisters will not be moving from San Damiano quite as soon as expected.

“Being Franciscan – Living the Tradition” – Br Nicholas Alan SSF

By admin in Latest News on October 3, 2022

Br Nicholas Alan (the Guardian of Glasshampton) has written a book entitled Being Franciscan. Priced £14.99 it is published by Canterbury Press and provides a series of vignettes into the lives of various Franciscan Holy men and women.

‘Here are examples to imitate in whatever way we can, as we seek to follow Jesus in the spirit of Francis.’ From the Foreword by Bishop David Walker

‘a series of wonderful vignettes into the lives of various Franciscan holy men and women… offering insights into the ways people have been inspired to give expression to their own calling in Christ’

 John-Francis Friendship, author of What Do You Seek?

‘witnesses and guides to Franciscan spirituality speak with poignant urgency of human frailty, divine suffering, and the glory of a world ‘pregnant with God’

J.P. Williams, author of Seeking the God Beyond

‘invites readers to explore some of the key figures in the early Franciscan tradition, each offering their own contributions to the beautiful and multifaceted tapestry of Franciscan spirituality’

Daniel Horan OFM

‘Honesty, integrity and authenticity shine out.’

Andrew D. Mayes TSSF, author of Journey to the Centre of the Soul  

Br Joseph Emmanuel licensed in Edinburgh

By admin in Latest News on October 2, 2022

Br Joseph Emmanuel was licensed today as Assistant Priest of St Salvador’s Church in Stenhouse and Holy Cross Church in Davidsons Mains by the Bishop of Edinburgh (Bishop John Armes). Joe (who is serving as a ‘Brother on Detached Service’ with the permission of the Provincial Chapter) was born and brought up in Edinburgh and is delighted to have returned home. It is his hope that the return of an SSF Brother to Scotland might mark a reinvigoration of Religious Life in the Scottish Episcopal Church. Joe is pictured here with Bishop John and his colleagues Deacon Ross Jesmont and Frs Stephen Holmes and Mariusz Wojciechowski.