Latest News from SSF and CSF

Franciscan Mission in Birmingham

in Latest News, Mission

Following in the footsteps of many before us, the three current SSF/CSF Novices, Simeon, Felix and Judi led by Brother Martin John took part in a Franciscan mission week in June. The host was St Matthews Church, Perry Beeches, Birmingham, where Martin John is serving his curacy.

The timetable for the week was busy and diverse, encompassing activities from indoor bowls with some of the congregation members to a drop in session for local college students.

The week of course stretched us in some ways and in others we found strengths that we did not know we had, for instance Simeon proved to be an ace at bowls, despite having never played it before. For many of us, both the mission team and some members of the congregation, the highlight of the week was a visit to a local Gurdwara, where we were not only physically fed but treated to a marvellous spiritually enriching discussion. Psalm 51.6 sprang to mind, “ You desire truth in the inward being; therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart “  The gentleman who led us, was keen not only to explain about the Sikh faith, but to emphasize that we are all on a path to holiness and was interested to draw out the parallels in both of our holy scriptures and practices. Everyone found it a really positive experience.

There was a good turnout for our Franciscan talk, summarising our daily lives and then opening up to questions. The feedback was that it was an informative and interesting evening.

Felix preached on Sunday rounding the week off by encouraging the congregation that every act of service in Christ’s name, no matter how miniscule (like a mustard seed) was worthwhile.